Natural Direction worked with Deloitte to design and deliver skills-building sessions to strengthen capabilities in leadership and influence.
We designed The Next Generation Academy to give their clients’ future leaders the grounding they need to deliver success for their companies. It’s a best-in-class experience designed for executives from Deloitte’s largest clients.
The programme brings together our rich experience, personal stories and anecdotes gained from more than 25 years of developing business leaders and research conducted by our partner, Zenger Folkman, who surveyed over 75,000 leaders on what differentiates great leaders.
The Next Generation CFO Academies have been a huge success. Feedback from Deloitte clients has been exceptional exceeding all expectations with 30% of participants being promoted into the top roles or other senior positions.
Impressed by the programme’s success key stakeholders asked Natural Direction to help Deloitte build out other Academies - to inspire future leaders in CLO, CTO, CHRO and CEO roles.
Since 2011, we have now worked with Deloitte to develop the next generation of C-Suite leaders in more than 60 US Academies, impacting more than 2,000 next-generation leaders.
Today, we are involved with running seven academies a year with our team in the UK and the US at Deloitte’s University in Dallas.